This week, Ira Sternberg spoke with Alex White, founder of Yukon Pizza. In this episode of Talk About Las Vegas, Alex talks about the sourdough starter that has been in his family for five generations; how he took some of it to college when he left home; how it lead him down the pizza path; why he chose to make pizza making his life choice; why sourdough is good for the gut; how “feeding” the starter made him shorten his date nights (and yet he still got married!).
Alex White’s Great-Great-Grandpa Gilbert started the family yeast culture during the Klondike Gold Rush in the Yukon Territories. From there, pieces of the starter were passed down through the generations, ultimately, getting into Alex’s hands as a high school graduation gift and college send off.
A growing demand for the sourdough pies from friends and family during the pandemic caused an Instagram frenzy. Alex began selling Yukon Pizzas from his home. Within a short time, the concept moved locations and began popping up at Vegas Test Kitchen, where it lived for two years.
On December 14, 2022, Yukon Pizza opened the doors to its own brick and mortar in the Huntridge neighborhood of Las Vegas.
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